4. “奥古斯都·查尔斯·普金(Augustus Charles Pugin)在亨利八世统治时期出现的圣詹姆斯与查令村 高清作品[95%]

St. James’s with the Village of Charing as It Appeared in ye Reign of Henry VIII-

图片文件尺寸 : 2856 x 2016px

“奥古斯都·查尔斯·普金(Augustus Charles Pugin)在亨利八世统治时期出现的圣詹姆斯与查令村-Augustus Charles Pugin

St. James’s with the Village of Charing as It Appeared in ye Reign of Henry VIII--Augustus Charles Pugin (英国, 1762-1832)

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